
Question About Floor 91 - Floor 100

Discuss everything about problems in the 91st floor until 100th floor here.

11 komentar:

  1. Your not talking about the "Bloody Wasp" are you?

  2. Ahh, that might make more sense, I couldn't understand how you could have trouble with the Bloody Wasp. Anyway, i'll let you know how I beat the Crimson Spinner when I get there (if I do beat it XD).

  3. It is one of special boss in this game. You must beat it with special way.

    First, I suggest you to fight it alone because your partner will drag your leg. Next, when it charged the special attack, press X once so you could run away faster while still targeting it. When you are in save position while the boss still charging attack, use your special skill like "The Eclipse" or something else. Repeat that until you beat it. I also told to use battle skill that ignores def of the monster to end it faster. There are two skills like that, first is the last skill of "Instinct" at Great Sword skill (ラストリゾート) and the second is the first active skill of "Battle Control" of spear skill (防御無効)

  4. Done deal. Phew, talk about a freaking nightmare, the battle was like Cerulion all over Again:/ Anyway, I just defeated the Crimson Spinner.

    Anyway, Hendris advice is probably the best way to go, but it is also possible to trap it between the temple pillars by running to the opposite site of them while it is chasing you. And yeah, I was going to suggest Last Resort (ラストリゾート) (i'll just copy paste here, thank you Hendri) and then spamming The Eclipse. Combinning these two skills will allow The Eclipse to basically deal twice the amount of damage to the Spinner.

    Also, It IS possible to take it down together with a partner, and they can buy you some time while you charge your Ougi by having them attack it with a Sword Skill, but as Hendri said, your better off without them.

  5. in continuation of my posts on 81-90, another untranslated event for kirito alone on the 91st floor.


  6. Please Help Me Quest Floor 96 0/4, or give me Savedata after floor 96 Please I Need, I Like This Page

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  8. At Floor 92 I found an event that triggered after I found the boss room and finished every NPC mail sidequest. I had Sinon as a partner, I don't know if it's needed to trigger the event. It starts at the inn stairs and involves Sinon. There are 2 consecutive events: the first one is about Sinon receiving aroma oil and massages from Asuna, the second one is Kirito getting involved in some night girls talk and then a blackout occurs, everyone loses its clothes.

  9. Shinon's event happen in Night, Lisbeth's event in Day, Both are happen on Inn and not write on Memo

    1. after Shinon and Liz, partner with leafa and go to Inn to trigger the event @_@
